Profilbillede af Simon A- ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 479929
Model Skuespiller Statist


34 år, København

CV Simon


I am a Model, Actor and Pilot 🤗
I have been the main role in 8 commercials and done a lot of other acting/commercial and modeling jobs. I have won a selftape competition on In the past I have also done a lot of dubbing for cartoons and for TV adds. I am also a good dancer.
I have my own website with my portfolio: My dream is to become a famous actor and also to fly commercially around the world. Hope to hear from you:)

All the best Simon


Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 479929
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 477154
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 479927
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 490724
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 490725
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 490726
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 506044
Billede af Simon - ID: 148767 - Billede nr: 506046

Fysisk Info

34 år

178 cm

83 kg




100 cm

86 cm

97 cm


Skandinavisk / Europæisk

Generel erfaring

Model erfaring: Meget Skuespiller erfaring: Meget Sanger erfaring: Ingen Danser erfaring: Moderat Statist erfaring: Meget
Optrådt i Magasin(er) Optrådt i Reklamekatalog(er) Optrådt på Film/TV Optrådt i TV reklamer Optrådt i TV serier Deltaget i Musikvideoer

Interesseret i

Modeljobs Dans for sanger / gruppe Bade / under-tøjs model Film / TV - skuespil Film / TV - statist


Model erfaring

Alm. Model

Års erfaring:

Model for in their different t-shirts through Basic Copenhagen.

Model pictures for DOT(Danish transport company). Posters on bus stops and in metros, trains and busses.

Model for the Copenhagen Municipaltity. Picture on instagram and facebook.

Model for Danske Spil. Video and stills.

Model for Barberskabet. Videos and pictures.

Model for Building materials. Was acting as couple with another lady called Sara whos is also a model.

Model for Spookyluminights. Acting as husband with another lady and her child.

Model for a union for workers rights. Posters on bus stops.

Model for Nilfisk. A company who has cleaning solutions and services.

Model and actor for a promotion video for Fjordgaarden spa Hotel

Model and actor for a promotion video for a company delivering post. I acted as postman.

Model for a take away restaurant called The Union Kitchen.

Model for Sydbank.
-Et modeljob for Københavns kommune hvor jeg agerede som kæreste til en kvinde. Her var vi meget tætte og skulle være meget kærlige.

-Et for DOT hvor jeg spillede fan af Danmark. Disse plakater kommer på busser. tog og metro.

-Et for Sundhedstyerelsen hvor der blev taget video af mig i jakkesæt og hvor jeg skulle spille cool og flirte med en kvinde.

-Et for en fagforening hvor jeg sider og spiller playstation med en anden. Disse billeder kommer på busstopsteder.


Års erfaring:

For barberskabet har jeg lavet model job med video og billeder hvor jeg agerede i deres underbukser og barberudstyr og t-shirts.
Jeg har lagt nogle videoer af dette på min profil.

Skuespiller erfaring


Års erfaring:

Main role in a short film with a lot of lines.Acting role with Frank Hvam with a line acting as father with my "wife" and a real baby who gets baptised. The series is called "Minkavlerne".

Acting role as waiter with a line in a series about Denmark and Greenland with Lars Mikkelsen.

Another role as gentleman in another series with Lars Mikkelsen called Drømmeren.

Acting role in a series for TV2 Danmark acting as buisness man with youtube stars Jas and Mika.

Extra in the series "Chosen" on Netflix.

Extra in a Swedish series.

Extra in a Danish series called "Fars drenge".

Extra as a role as father with his wife and baby.

Extra in a series called "Fixer" where I was a central figure in a scene.

Extra in a commercial for Tivoli.

Extra in a commerical for Danske Bank


Års erfaring:

Main role for a commercial for electric bicycles thats coming on TV, Cinemas and facebook and instragram adds.

Main role in a commercial for Pricewaterhousecoopers.

Main role for a commercial for Sportsmaster.

Main role in a commercial for a betting company.

Main role for a commercial for Visit Denmark with a line in Norwegian: "Det er dejlig å være Norsk i Ålborg!"

Main cast for Sundshedstyrelsen as buisnessman.

Main role in a commerical for Lumin with a page of lines in Danish.

Main role in a commercial for Meridian with a page of lines in Danish.

Acting role in a commercial for Lenovo.

Acting role as Bartender in a commercial for Kræftensbekæmpelse.

Acting role for an international streaming service. Signed a NDA so cant say more.

Acting role for Faglig Ungdom, an organization helping getting jobs and educations.

Commercial for Børsen which will be showing on TV2. Gotten through Basic Copenhagen.

Commercial for Audi where I was a restaurant guest.

Commercial for Lego.

Commercial for El giganten where I was playing boyfriend to another lady.

Commercial for Stark, a danish carpenting shop. There were videos and pictures taken.

Commercial for Verisure alarms as Police officer.

Commerical for Spar vinduer. A company selling windows. Here there were videos taken.

Commercial for a travel agency Højmark rejser dressed in business suit and ski clothes.

Commercial for a gaming site called

Commercial for børnecancerfonden(childs cancer support)

Commercial for a bar called Proud Mary. I was a waiter, bartender and party guest.

Commercial for a company where I was a buisness man.

Commercial for Visit Danmark.

Commerical for Netto acting as a worker.

Commercial for new bank login app called mitid.

Commercial for Krifa.

Commercial for Spar Nord.


Års erfaring:

Statist i serien Chosen som kommer ud på Netlfix
Statist i serien Fars drenge som kommer på Discovery +, her optrådte jeg 2 gange.
Statist i en serie som var på rigs hospitalet.
Statist i en anden serie med Mick Øgendahl.

Sang erfaring

Rap/Hip Hop

Års erfaring:

Har optrådt med dans.
Har fået et private kurses fra en dans lærer.